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Ryvers School

Grow, Learn, Give

Year 6

Y6 Meet the teacher 2024-25

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If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher through the homework email:

Knowledge Organisers


At the beginning of each half term, every child is given a  pack of Knowledge Organisers. These are documents which outline the main elements of the topics being learnt during the half term. Please do keep them in a safe place and use them regularly to support learning. Use the mini quiz to test knowledge at the start and then again at the end of the term. Learning the key vocabulary is essential.

Carousel Learn


We are embarking on a new and exciting journey with our home learning.

As you know knowledge organisers are a fantastic way to learn key information and vocabulary about topics learnt in schools. Carousel is a way to support learning using quizzing online. It is easy, click on the link and log in using your first name and surname and give it a go.

See the 'how to' video link below.

We use Carousel for homework as well as other websites such as My Maths and Purple Mash.  Click on the links below.

Activity Passports


Each year group has its own list of around twenty activities, which works out at about seven per term. They can be done in any order. The majority of these activities will cost little or nothing to complete. When your child has completed an activity, then please let the class teacher know by showing a photograph, ticket or postcard etc. At the end of the year, we will award bronze, silver or gold certificates according to the number of activities each child has completed. 

Useful information & links


UKS2 SRE parent information mtg

Woodrow High House Residential Trip Presentation


Year 6 Transition Presentation

Contact Us

Ryvers School, Trelawney Avenue, Slough, SL3 7TS

Telephone 01753 544 474

Email Email Us