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Ryvers School

Grow, Learn, Give


Ryvers' Golden Rules:


We are gentle; (we don't hurt others)

We are kind and helpful; (we don't hurt anybody's feelings) 

We listen; (we don't interrupt) 

We are honest; (we don't cover up the truth)

We work hard; (we don't waste our own or others' time)

We look after property; (we don't waste or damage things)

Positive Behaviour Policy 2022-2025

Dear Parents/Carers


As some of you may be aware, Ryvers school follows a behaviour system called Ryvers Behaviour Steps. The system is based upon rules, rewards and consequences. Children who follow the rules will receive rewards and those that choose to break the rules will receive consequences for their actions.


Classes from Reception through to Year 6 follow this system at Ryvers.

Stage 1 – Ryvers’ Behaviour Steps

Stage 2 – Internal Supervision

Stage 3 – External Exclusion

Stage 4 – Permanent Exclusion


A full breakdown can be found in our Positive Behaviour Policy


It is vitally important that we all work together to implement the system and we are sure that we can count on your support. We all are working for the same goal, which is the best possible outcomes for your child, academically, socially and emotionally

Ryvers Anti Bullying Policy 2022-2025

At Ryvers School we take Anti Bullying extremely seriously. 

Please see our policy for more information. 

Contact Us

Ryvers School, Trelawney Avenue, Slough, SL3 7TS

Telephone 01753 544 474

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