Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Your teachers are:
Miss Sian - 2 Loris
Mrs Patel - 2 Panda
Mrs Sandhu and Mrs Wells- 2 Yak
Year 2 Homework
My Maths: My Maths is set every Friday and is to be completed by the following Wednesday. Please help your child go through the 'Lesson' activities first then have a go at the questions.
Spellings: Spellings are set every Friday on our Year 2 website page [Please see below].We will test children on the following Friday so they have a week to practise. Please encourage your child to challenge themselves. We will be practising all these spellings in class throughout the week.
Cracking Number Facts: We will test every Monday. If your child passes their level they will receive a certificate with the help at home sheet on the back. Please see the school website for all help at home sheets.
Reading: Your child must be reading every night for at least 10 minutes. Please bring the signed reading record and books back on Mondays and Thursdays to be checked by the Class Teacher.
Times Table Rockstars (TTRS): These are extra resources for you to use for your own pleasure at home. We will set challenges on TTRS throughout the year. Your log in details for TTRS are the same as your log in details for MyMaths, which should already be stuck in your child's yellow planners.
Don't forget you can contact your class teacher at
If you have a question or want to share your activity passport progress.
Please include your child's name and class in the subject line.
Meet The Teacher
Soft start
Please remember we do not line up in the mornings. Children get dropped off on the KS1 playground. Please make sure you come all the way round to the KS1 playground so that a member of staff can see your child/ren. Reminder: do not drop them off on the basketball court.
Once the children come in and wash their hands, they start an early morning activity.
Soft start is from 8:35am-8:50am
Registration starts at 8:50am
Reading books will be changed every Monday and Thursday. Children will be given a new yellow reading diary. When you have read with your child at home, please sign this diary. Please read with your child every day and ensure their reading planner is in school every day, so that KS1 staff may check the planner.
PE will be on Tuesday for all classes. Children should come in to school wearing their PE kit please. All jewellery to be removed on Tuesday for PE and long hair must be tied back.
Important Reminders
- Children must bring in a labelled water bottle every day
- Children must bring in uniform (e.g. jumpers) that are labelled.
- Children must bring their planners in daily and try to read at home every evening
- All dinner money and school trips should now be paid through ParentPay
- Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied up
Computing: This is a very useful link with advice about screen time for young children (highlight and right click to open link)
At Ryvers Primary School, we now have a new phonics scheme called Little Wandle Letters and Sounds
Please visit:
The resources on this page will help you support your child with saying their sounds and writing their letters. There are also some useful videos so you can see how they are taught at school and feel confident about supporting their reading at home.