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2023 past highlights, news and events


September 2023


We have recently embarked on an improved Computing framework following NCCE (National Centre for Computing Education). Which will begin after our work on online safety this month. As a school we are looking forward to receiving 30 Microbits from the BBC which we are adding to our growing repertoire of coding and programming experiences along side CodeSpark, LEGO Spike, Scratch and Python.


December 2023


We have recently finished a series of workshops and observation with three other primary schools and are looking forward to working in partnership with them to increase our computing knowledge and experience. The process was informative and helpful in providing a spotlight on our computing curriculum and different pedagogical pathways that others have developed.

Highlights of 2022



As I am sure you are aware Safer Internet Day takes place on Tuesday, 6th February and is a chance to redouble our focus on the online safety and wellbeing of children and young people. This year’s theme is Inspiring Change, which will see us taking part in Safer Internet Day Live Lessons provided by the BBC where students will become digital detectives exploring the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence and learning how to stay safe online.


Each year group will focus on an age specific area of online and cyber safety for which they will be generating posters to be displayed around school and uploaded onto the school website.


During the week students will have a chance to access a web based program, Interland, at school. If they wish to continue with this they can access the program from our school webpage Plugged in learning at Ryvers | Ryvers School where you can also find links to various other online programs.


On a final note we would like to direct your attention to our school webpage E-Safety | Ryvers School . Here you will find more information on helping to keep children and young people safe in the online world as well as links to various sites with advice, guidance and help for protecting online safety. 


There is always a lot of social media interest and indeed alarm about the internet and how safe both adults and children are when accessing it. As parents, carers and educators we do have a duty of care to make sure we are as informed about both the wonderful opportunities the internet brings but also its potential dangers. At Ryvers we are very keen to be preparing our youngsters to learn, grow and give in a safe and exciting environment both in and out of school. The activities above are great opportunities to do so.




Year 5 and 6 Spheros Workshop 


On Thursday 3rd, 10th and 31st March, Stacey Jenkins from Langley Grammar School visited our school. She ran a brilliant Robotics workshop for the Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. The children worked their way through a series of coding challenges with increasing complexity using Sphero. Some tasks required considerable perseverance to succeed. Everyone had a fantastic morning and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A huge thank you to Mrs Jenkins for delivering such an amazing workshop.


Safer Internet Day 2022 - 08/02/2022


Tuesday 8th February was Safer Internet Day (SID) 2022.  Ryvers along with other schools across the UK celebrated the day with a range of activities.

We started with a fantastic live assembly on this year’s theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’ to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. 


(to watch National Assembly with Google and Parent zone's Be Legends team again, click link below)

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Ryvers School, Trelawney Avenue, Slough, SL3 7TS

Telephone 01753 544 474

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