My Maths & Times Tables
Welcome to MyMaths
This tool is an interactive time-saving resource for use in the classroom and at home that is easy to use alongside any other maths resources to consolidate learning.
MyMaths provides hundreds of lessons paired with self-marking homework tasks for practice and to assess understanding of the lesson content.
It is important to support your child in carrying out the tasks set. Tasks are set to consolidate their learning.
School username is: ryvers
School password is: angles128
Then you need to login into to your portal; using your 3 digit username and 3 letter password
Then you should see your Homework. Plus Tabs to go to Games, Scores or Practice.
Times Table Rock Stars
Practice your times tables on the interactive platform.
Have you set up or edited your profile? Ensure that you have completed your initial task.
Follow the link below to begin.
Children's login is the same as their MyMaths login details.
Select the pass word option.
Enter the 3 digit Username and 3 letter MyMaths login details
The more games and challenges you complete the coins you can earn.
Ask your class teacher to look at the leader board and see how you are doing.
Then you can spend all the coins you earn in the shop - customising your Rock Star !
Ask you teacher to set you a battle against different classes!!
Cracking Number Facts