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Ryvers School

Grow, Learn, Give

Step 2 - Complete the Eco-Schools Environmental Review


The Environmental Review

The Environmental Review assesses the environmental performance of our Ryvers setting while providing inspiration and project ideas for our Eco-Committee.



Ryvers school Eco-Committee completed the Environmental Review as a group during Eco-Committee meetings.


  • The Environmental Review questions are grouped into sections, each linked to the 10 Eco-Schools topics shown below.


  1. Biodiversity
  2. Energy
  3. Global Citizenship
  4. Healthy Living
  5. Litter
  6. Marine
  7. School Grounds
  8. Transport
  9. Waste
  10. Water


Completing the Environmental Review helped our Eco-Committee to understand the positive environmental impacts that our Ryvers school can make


  • Through this process, we were able to assess and recognise the successful sustainability initiatives that have been implemented.
  • The review has not only highlighted our achievements but also identified areas where further enhancements can be made.
  • We achieved high score in School Grounds (7) and Transport (7), Water (6), Healthy eating (5), Marine (5), Global citizens (4) and Biodiversity (4)
  • We didn't do well in Energy (3), Litter(3), and Waste(3).
  • Overall, it serves as a valuable tool for informed decision-making, guiding our ongoing efforts to create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable school environment.


The Eco-Committee received invaluable assistance in addressing questions on the Environmental Review from:

- Mr. Francis McAleer, our dedicated Caretaker, who provided practical insights and support.
- Mrs. Rabjit Keila, our Lead Science Teacher, who shared her expertise in environmental science.
- Mrs. Vina Sondh, a member of the Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body, whose guidance ensured alignment with our school's vision and policies.



School Environmental Review (2023-2024)

Still image for this video


Our Site Manager (Mr McAleer) engaging with Eco-warriors



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