Step 2 - Complete the Eco-Schools Environmental Review
The Environmental Review
The Environmental Review assesses the environmental performance of our Ryvers setting while providing inspiration and project ideas for our Eco-Committee.
Ryvers school Eco-Committee completed the Environmental Review as a group during Eco-Committee meetings.
- The Environmental Review questions are grouped into sections, each linked to the 10 Eco-Schools topics shown below.
Completing the Environmental Review helped our Eco-Committee to understand the positive environmental impacts that our Ryvers school can make
- Through this process, we were able to assess and recognise the successful sustainability initiatives that have been implemented.
- The review has not only highlighted our achievements but also identified areas where further enhancements can be made.
- We achieved high score in School Grounds (7) and Transport (7), Water (6), Healthy eating (5), Marine (5), Global citizens (4) and Biodiversity (4)
- We didn't do well in Energy (3), Litter(3), and Waste(3).
- Overall, it serves as a valuable tool for informed decision-making, guiding our ongoing efforts to create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable school environment.
The Eco-Committee received invaluable assistance in addressing questions on the Environmental Review from:
- Mr. Francis McAleer, our dedicated Caretaker, who provided practical insights and support.
- Mrs. Rabjit Keila, our Lead Science Teacher, who shared her expertise in environmental science.
- Mrs. Vina Sondh, a member of the Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body, whose guidance ensured alignment with our school's vision and policies.
School Environmental Review (2023-2024)
Our Site Manager (Mr McAleer) engaging with Eco-warriors